Welcome to ESBK.co

UPDATE:  If you are looking for TTXGP Matters and the TTXGPod, then you have found them.  I have changed the name, but not the spirit or content.  Some of it was to stop the hate mail going to the TTXGP (no, not really . . . mostly) and the other was to have my own identity, at the suggestion of even the TTXGP folks, which might make me more acceptable to other series, teams, and companies.  The TTXGP was very kind and let me use their trademarked title at no cost.  Consider me future-proofed.

Well, I said I never would, but here I am. I have started a blog. What is this blog about, and why does it exist? Well, if you can’t tell by the title it will generally be about electric superbikes, and it’s main purpose is an excuse for me to manifest my delusions of grandeur. I do not consider myself much of a writer, and prefer the medium of audio. I really want to interview people in this world and record what is happening as we are square in the middle of history being made. Apparently you have to have a blog to post your podcast from so it gets caught by the podcatchers, or something like that. But, that is OK as I actually have found I really enjoy writing these blog posts.

I will try to make the content as fun, yet professional as possible. There will be opinion in this blog, but I will do my best to make it blatantly obvious that it is just that so you can then apply the appropriately sized grain of salt.

I am not doing this for money, but I have put up a donation link so that I can pay for operating costs. I am doing this for the stories, and the facts. I see too much misinformation spread on blogs and forums and it drives me mad. I see regurgitating and misinterpretation of someone else’s blog being carried on as fact with out anyone bothering to e-mail or call to get the real story. With a podcast you will get to hear the people who are making the history, and hear their side, their emotion, their passion, and their stories. At least that is what I am hoping and wishing for.

This may not be the most regular site you will have ever visited, but I hope to have an interview every few weeks for you, once things get rolling. I have so many people and companies I want to talk to. If you find this and you have product you want to promote, or a story to tell, please let me know.

Thank you, and enjoy,



3 thoughts on “Welcome to ESBK.co

  1. Any chance you (ttxgpfan) are planning to talk with/interview Michael Uhlarik from Amarok Consultants (www.amarokracing.ca)?
    I may be alone in my curiosity, but I am wondering what they are planning on doing this year. I thought there bike looked impressive last year, but did not hear any real news beyond the articles about the bike (e.g. http://www.motorcycle.com/manufacturer/canadas-first-electric-superbike-amarok-racing-p1-90969.html) and a partnership with agni.


    1. That is a story I have wanted to follow up on. Thank you for letting me know about your interest as well. Amorok, among others, are one of those teams that made it look like the TTXGP was growing, and that the 75 class was going to work. And then . . . no one showed.

      It is a very creative design, and I have a soft spot for Canadians. When I get back to doing podcasts I will dig around and see what I can do.

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